And now I'm currently working on SugerBubbie Promise. It could not be knitting up any better. These have just been a joy to knit and are flying off the needles. I took this picture this morning and since then I've finished the first leg and have several inches done on the second leg. I think I may try to get them finished tomorrow.

And lastly, I'm slowly working on this pair. It's This is How Much I Love You on Marr Haven and is becoming small/medium longies for a fundraiser. I'll post a little more info on that later.

And of course this isn't counting all the things in the works for my own daughter. I have a dress that NEEDS to get finished. It is my #1 priority for tomorrow, if I get done with it then I will finish up the SB longies. Plus I still have her Requiem sweater to finish, and the yarn for the matching longies got here so now I have them to do. And yarn for a couple more pairs of longies for her as well. But I also got 2 packages of yarn from customers today and so I will be very busy. But it's something that I love doing so I don't mind. That just means that you need to stay tuned for more pictures.
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